
  • 2:30 in the Morning

    As I sit here eating a bowl of Marshmallow Matey’s (white trash version of Lucky Charms) at 2:30 on Wednesday morning, I’m regretting writing yesterday that I just haven’t had time to blog, because here I am, when I’d rather be sleeping. I’ve been wide awake since maybe 12:30 – my mind has raced all…

  • Outside the Comfort Zones

    Now and then you have to push your own limits. I sure don’t do it nearly enough, but over the course of the last few days, I was three for three. It started with Ronnie’s and my first long motorcycle ride together. I’ve only ridden with him on fairly short jaunts around town, with last…

  • Planting Flowers by the Moon

    Skyler asked the sweetest and oddly profound thing to me last night. I asked her if this weekend she wanted to help me plant some flowers outside. She said yes, and she wanted some “owange fwowers and pink fwowers!” Then, ever so seriously, she looked at me and asked “Can we plant them next to…

  • Bellyaching

    It’s been an interesting few days. It started out great with a planned day off work on Friday. The sun was out and while it was still cool out, it was nice enough to drive with my windows down! It was a brief glimpse of Spring, which is hopefully not far around the corner. I…

  • Copy that.

    It’s so weird to read someone who always just snatches the thoughts almost word for word out of my head and then types them on her own blog as if they were her thoughts. But they sound way better than they did in my head anyway. Which is often the case with my favorite blogger,…

  • Last Hoorah

    Tonight is my last night in my twenties. Instead of celebrating the last day of my youth like a rockstar, I’m sitting at my computer blogging while my two-year-old does her best nudist impression, and I’m making a grocery list to get ingredients for the avocado soup I’m making for lunch tomorrow. Whew! The only…

  • The Deep End

    Sometimes I find myself questioning everything, wondering what really matters, fearing things I can’t control. I wonder if I’ve always had these thoughts or if it’s something that comes with age and experience and life. That brief moment I pass an accident on the highway and my mind lurches into what-if’s of all kinds, running…

  • Don’t Forget!

    Sometimes I get caught up only writing about the significant things in our lives – major milestones, events, deep thoughts – that I forget to document some of the most wonderful things that come and go with Skyler. So here, I’m going to jot them down. – Since she was sitting in a highchair, Skyler…

  • Projects

    – A friend is wanting to get rid of her Chevy Tahoe, and is offering us a great deal to buy it. So we’ve listed the Jetta for sale. If we can get what we want for the Jetta, and the Tahoe is still available, I’ll have a nice new ride. But I’m not getting…

  • One of Those Nights Again

    If it’s not the annoyance of a whiney child, it’s the monotony of just another typical evening alone at home with a toddler. Ronnie has worked till eight the last two nights, and OMG are these some looooong evenings. And it’s not the kind of boredom because there is nothing to do, it’s because all…