
  • It’s been awhile…

    It’s been awhile…

    …Since I wrote about my daughters. This blog started out as a pregnancy blog with Skyler way back in 2007. It made the obvious transition to mom blog but I eventually got out of habit of updating it. Life got busy and crazy and then Layla came along and I just quit writing about this…

  • Presence

    I miss you when I am away Your laugh Your smell Your touch The Golden hazy image of your smile and curls warm my soul I dream of our next moments together Envisioning the wild perfection that you are And then you are next to me The buzz of your breath and voice and body…

  • Reasons I suck as a mom lately

    The other night I got home and was having a pleasant conversation with Ronnie while he was preparing dinner and Skyler interjected “Yay! You’re in a good mood!” and I immediately felt embarrassed and ashamed that it was such a rarity lately that she was excited enough to call it out. To hammer the nail…

  • This moment in time

    My daughters – so alike and so different. And changing so fast. I see the Facebook Memories from 1 year ago to 5 years ago and I’m transported to another world. Even one year ago and I cannot believe how much has changed. So I need to document these things, before they are distant memories…

  • Can’t Have Nothin’ Nice

    Since Skyler joined our world a few years ago, we’ve basically given up on having a nice and well-decorated home. It’s just not practical. Between puke, pee, endless amounts of spilled food and drinks, and drawing utensils, most things we have in this house are ruined. The area rug in the living room is stained…

  • Off Kilter

    Our week did not get off to the start I expected. On Saturday, Skyler broke her glasses. I think those lasted a whole month. I also think they are fixable. Looks like the tiny screw fell out so if we can take them back and get a new screw, they’ll be back in business. How…

  • Flipside

    I’ve complained enough about Skyler’s age and antics lately, so here’s one about how amazing, adorable, and funny she is. These are the things I relish in the moment and cling to the memories of when she’s on one of her rampages. I love how she likes to hop everywhere she goes. I think she…

  • 20/20 is Overrated Anyway

    Skyler has been blinking and squinting frequently for a couple weeks now. It wasn’t a gradual thing; I just picked her up from preschool one day and she was doing it. I thought maybe one of the kids had thrown sand at her on the playground or maybe she just saw one of the kids…

  • Spring Flings

    Skyler’s behavior at this age is about as predictable and consistent as Spring in Kansas. We have perfectly mild, smile-inducing sunny afternoons, followed by 60 mph winds, hail, and thunder. Tears fall like rain during scattered showers, where the sunshine of laughter breaks through the clouds suddenly and then disappears as quickly as it came.…

  • Childlike Wonder: Questions from the Backseat

    Skyler and I spend around an hour in the car together each day during the week for our commute. And to date we’ve had some of the funniest, most random, most annoying, most logical, most illogical, and memorable conversations. She’s full of questions, and her questions usually beget more questions. I guess it’s probably her…